Top 3 Favorite Podcasts


Windows down, the wind blowing through my hair, sunglasses and music blasting. The sun warming my skin. Just me and the road. I wish that I felt that way about driving. I wish I was one of those people who could just hop in the car and cruise. I am unfortunately not. Driving long distances, especially to places I don’t know gives my really bad anxiety. I never used to be that way. I think that when I got in my car accident when I first moved to Arkansas that it scared me for life. The accident wasn’t even that bad. I was on the highway and I hit a deer going about 60 miles per hour. The sudden realization that I had no control of what was about to happen was overwhelming. Ever since that day I have hated driving. I also get car sick like really bad. Matthew and I could be driving to our favorite coffee shop and I will get nauseous and it is just down the street from our home. I have had to overcome this fear though because most of my family lives in Dallas which is about a 4 hour drive from little home in Oklahoma. For a while I would just try to blast music and get through the drive but then my boyfriend Matthew reccomended that I try listening to podcasts and they changed my life! All I have to do is download a few before I leave and I am entertained the whole drive! I have even begun to listen to them on my way to work. If you are new to podcasts or have never listened to them before it can be hard to find the good ones, so I thought I would share with you all my top 5 favorites!

  1. Your Move with Andy Stanley

This is by far my favorite of them all! This popcast prides itself on helping people make better decisions in their life and help them learn to live with fewer regrets! My favorite thing about this podcast is that even though Andy Stanley is Christian, when he speaks he is speaking to everyone. It does not matter if you are Catholic, Christian, Muslim or even an atheist, He is literally just trying to spread the word of God and teach others. This man speaks the truth and is not afraid to lay it all out on the table. He also encourages me to be positive, open minded, and to love others. If you are looking for some great advice, take time and listen to Your Move.




The I may be biased on. The Church at Battle Creek is where I have been going to church since I moved to Oklahoma. Matthew introduced to me to battle creek when we first started dating and I fell in love. I was in a bad spot in my relationship with God when we first met. I hadn’t been to church in a while but Alex made it easy to want to be there. I crave going to church now and listening to what Alex has to say. He teaches in a way that just keeps you engaged. Alex reminds me of tom hanks and Matthew Mcconaughey combined. Something just very likable about him! I tune into the podcasts when I have to miss on sundays.


  1. Serial


OMG OMG OMG. If you have not listened to this podcast YOU MUST! If you like murder and/or true crime, you will love this! This podcast takes you through a crime, you walk through all of the steps and really try to figure out what happened that night. Which reminds me. If you watched the Netflix original series, you will enjoy Serial. The story lines are very similar. I do not want to give to much away but let’s just say I binged this series hard and was sad when it ended.

There are so many great podcasts to find. My boyfriend listens to them constantly at work and i thought I would list off a few of his since he has way more variety than I do and more related to video games.


-The Ziglar show (finance and budget)

-The Instance(World of Warcraft)/ Angry Chicken(Hearthstone)

-Convert to raid (World of Warcraft, specifically the old ones with KoleTrain)

-The Patch (more video games)



Happy listening! If you listen to any of these Please comment and tell me what you think! I would love to hear it! Or if you have any podcasts to recommend please let me know! I love hearing and learning new things! 🙂

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