Going Green


My boyfriend Matthew is a health fanatic, or at least he wants to be and he definitely believes he is. He is 5’10 weighs 150 pounds and is 6 % body fat and NOT because he eats healthy. He is a runner (when he wants to be). It is all quite frustrating to me. He literally eats his weight in food and his weight does not waver. He runs when he feels like it and when he does they are effortless 7 minute miles. I am biased but honestly it’s true. While writing this blog he needed to have me let you all know that “First and foremost, it is due to God’s grace and favor on my life. Secondly, my digestive system. I poop well. Lastly, I am a mailman. You forget that I am a mailman!” Anyways the point is he gets on these kicks of what we need to do to be healthier and currently out thing is “going green”. We are switching all of our hot drinks to green tea! I LOVE coffee, like coffee is life but the problem is I dump a ton of sugar and creamer in it and by the time I have had 3 cups of coffee I have consumed about a cup of sugar. Okay that might be a little dramatic but you get the idea. It is not just about the sugar which is a huge part of it, it is the crash after the coffee. So our house has gone green! Here are some of the amazing benefits of switching your hot tea beverages to green tea!


Higher energy levels! It seems crazy right? A little tiny cup of green has more caffeine than one can of pop. You can relax knowing that you will still get the burst of energy you need in the end of your day! All that energy and no yucky feeling of too much sugar or the bloating you get with pop! The best part if you do not get the crash that comes with coffee. The energy stays with you all day! The higher your energy levels, the higher your metabolism!


Another great benefit from drinking green tea is burning that belly fat! I think that everyone can benefit from a beverage that does the hard work for you while you go about your day as normal. Belly fat is stubborn but for some reason green does a great job at burning if off for you. I love coffee but it can’t do that.


Green tea also helps your digestive system! I have a serious struggle with my digestive system. It makes me sooooo happy if  I get to go in a day. That is like way too much information but i’m all about the truth here. If I drink 3 glasses of hot green tea in a day I seem to have no problems with that any more!


The only downfall that I have had to overcome is the taste. Not the taste of the tea, I like the flavor but I miss the sugar and sweet sweet bliss of creamer. To make up for the lack of sweetness I had honey to mine! It helps give it some kick of flavor and if I am feeling really crazy I add lemon!


Just thought I would share the benefits I have gained from going green! If you are still looking for a simple new year’s resolutions to kick start a healthier year I would start here!



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