Trash the Tree


Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree, what do I do with thee? Seriously though, like what do you do with those things? Every year when I was a kid I was so excited to go visit my dad for Christmas and go on our adventure to pick up a Christmas tree! I loved the excitement of running through a tree farm with my older sister looking for the one. I even enjoyed watching them shove it through the netting. Packaging our new tree up for travel to our warm home! We would dance around the tree all night. Our lips sweet from hot chocolate. All of us in freshly pressed out of the box pajamas. The embrace of the crisp pine aroma wrapping me in a warm hug. Everything about it was magical. So of course when I finally had the choice when I became an adult (which I still do not know if I really have become one yet) I had to go with a real tree! I knew it wouldn’t have as much magic to it now but if there was even a sliver of the magical feeling I used to get when I was a kid, I wanted it! So I did, I even dragged my 3 male roommates with me! haha  they whined and moaned but secretly I think they felt the magic too. I may have had to decorate it mostly by myself, but it was sort of peaceful and soothing. Then all too quickly Christmas came, and it was new years. Now I am an adult with a live tree that is falling apart in my living room and I know nothing of what to do with it. We sought out advice from our great and wise grandmother and mom and they had a ton of suggestions. We wanted to just throw it in our neighborhood pond but they frowned against that suggestion. We do have an HOA and they are pretty picky. So the easiest and funnest answer we came up with was what I like to call trash the tree and it will be a new Christmas tradition! We took Fin the tree ( which is what we named him because I have this odd habit of naming things) and set him up in our backyard and literally put our trash on him. I did try and be cute about it at first. I did a small string of popcorn and cranberries until the needle broke and flew into my eye. I decided after that that it was time to stop. I threw on my tiny string of popcorn and cranberries. I then went into our fridge and pantry and gathered any fruit that was going bad etc. and placed them around the tree. Then I decided to just dump all the stale popcorn on him. I mean admit it, every year at least one person buys you a tin of popcorn am I right? Now fin lives on and feeds all of our neighborhood friends. We have TONS of rabbits and birds and squirrels and mice. I love the idea of giving the Christmas tree that we cut down a purpose after we’re done with it! Plus it was fun to throw food at! If you have ever struggled with what to do with your Christmas tree, this is by far the funnest way to do it! Or you could donate it. Some places take them to dump into late for fish habitats and that’s cool too! I can not wait for next year, I will be prepared and I may even make it a party! We can have a bonfire and drink beer. Make popcorn strings and pine cones stuffed with peanut butter and seeds! 🙂

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