Jack of All Trades 

Have you ever heard the phrase “I’m a jack of all trades and master of none”? Have you ever felt like you seem to be just average at a variety of things but never felt like you’ve mastered just one skill? I have always felt like I had very few skills and the skills I had were mediocre at best. I have in my 25 years of life I have been a dancer, an author, a blogger, a streamer, a photographer,and artist but you could not tell if I hadn’t just told you. I have danced around the edges of mastery all my life. Now don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of things I have been successful at in my life and actually I am quite happy! I have a job that I love and worked my butt off to get but even that feels like a very small accomplishment. I think that the main struggle is this feeling of always needing to accomplish more. I constantly struggle with this idea that I am not doing what God put me here to do, or if I am that I am not doing enough. I also feel like it is such a struggle for those who have high expectations for themselves and are surrounded by a world of media blast where everyone seems to be either doing all of the things or at least making it look like they are. I for one am one of those. I am a dreamer, a chaser, a go getter and I have been my whole life and here is what I have learned. I always see all of these people and by people I mean incredible artists or musicians or authors and I am blown away, envious even. Then I grew up and learned what hard work was. I believe that it is hard to remember all of the hard work that people have put into those skills because once they’re famous it looks easy but we have no idea how many no’s they received time and time again or how many hours they have put into one piece of art. I think that when I started to paint and draw my eyes were opened to this. I realized that to have a master piece it takes time and to become a master of any skill you must put in your time. So before you say you are a jack of all trades and a master of none TRY HARDER. I know I know well I have tried and I was horrible at it. FALSE. In order to be a master at something you must put in at least 10,000 hours. So unless you have put in 10,000 hours you are not allowed to say you are a master of none. This was a hard pill for me to swallow but as a budding artist I have realized all it takes is practice. I have grown so much in just a year, I have the proof. This post was not really very educational more of a rant really but It’s been on my heart because I often start to pout and get upset when I have not been as successful in my creative journey as I’d like. This was just a reminder to myself that I have so many more hours to put in! Also I often forget that it’s in God’s hands and he will place us all where we need to be if we just trust in him! 
Matthew 6:33-34
But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.


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