New Year’s Resolutions


Well hello!!! I am so sorry that I have been off the grid for so long. I really wanted to spend the end of the year focusing on what is most important to me, my family! It was definitely worth it. December was such a blessing for me but also a very busy schedule. I tried my best to keep up with my blog and my personal life but eventually my personal life took over. The point is, it is a new year and I am beyond excited to spend it with all of you! I have so much to look forward to and I want to share with you my resolutions and I really would love to hear yours! I love hearing other people’s resolutions. They always inspire me! So here are my 2017 New year’s resolutions!


  • Read the bible everyday
  • Create more and consume less
  • Eat healthier
  • Walk 1 mile everyday except sundays
  • Finish my book
  • Become a Lularoe consultant


When I was looking back over all the things that I was blessed with over 2016 I was so thankful for all that has happened. I learned a lot about myself last year. I learned most of all to go after what I want instead of going after what I thought others wanted from me. That may seem like common knowledge but for me it wasn’t. I have always been a people pleaser. I hated the thought of ever letting anyone down. Then some how I learned last year that it is absolutely impossible to make everyone happy! My boyfriend also taught me to go after my dreams. The problem was, I didn’t know what my dream was. I soon after realized my dream is to be a successful writer. I plan to work on my writing skills all year with you all while working on my novel! 🙂 I also (for another income and maybe because I have an obsession with it). It is all about laying one brick a day. That is my goal so that hopefully at the end of the year I can see clearly all the work was worth it!

What are your New Year’s resolutions?!

Here are some pics of my new years eve outfit, you can get 20% off any bracelet at on me! They are super cute and have positive encouraging quotes on the inside of each to keep you motivated and on top of your resolutions!

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