A Blog a Day Keeps the Writer’s Block at Bay

Writer’s block: the condition of being unable to think of what to write or how to proceed with writing. We have all been there. We all know that it is real. Writer’s block is no joke. It can leave you feeling helpless with little hope of ever getting out of the pit that it is. You never know how long it will last or if it will ever leave. It is a fog that hovers over you and can seriously drag down your whole mood. It can even damage your relationships. Writer’s block has been able to put me in such a bad mood that I have lashed out at people I love. Being creative is both a blessing and a curse. You feel powerful in the fact that you can make something out of nothing. Stringing together boring words to make powerful sentences and beautiful pictures. The downside is that if you spend too long not releasing your creative side it will swell up inside you begging for some sort of release!  If you have ever wondered what’s in it for me when it comes to blogging, honestly one of the biggest reasons that I do blog is for the sake of writer’s block. I have many ways that I release my creative side. I write a fanfic, I am working on a trilogy, a children’s book as well as paint occasionally all of which are slow in process but I still fear the monster that is writer’s block. I find that with both my fanfic and my books I get so caught up in little details and the order of how things are supposed to go that I get burned out easy. Sometimes I just need the freedom to write about anything and that is where the blog comes in. Blogging allows me to not only write about any topic but it also always me to share some of my favorite things with people who are willing to read! I also love giving advice to people and I feel that on here I can help people! It really helps to people to switch the focus on something new for a change. I know that it sounds kind of funny, when you think of writer’s block you do not readily think to write more to get past it but it totally helps! Sometimes you just need to change your perspective for a bit for a clear view and clear head to get past what was blocking you.

If you have ever suffered from writer’s block please share your ways to get past it!

If you do not already follow me on instagram and share your ways with me.


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