Flat Tummy Tea Review

Well hello lovies! Okay so I have been seeing this Flat Tummy Tea all over the place! I follow almost all of the guys and girls from Bachelor in Paradise and all of them have been advertising it on their instagrams along with several other stars. I have tried different teas before so it did peak my interest. Tea toxs and tummy teas always get me! So of course I had to give Flat Tummy Tea a go. I was curious to see if it honestly did any good or if skinny people were just posing with tea bags on their feed. I love trying different teas because I have a lot of digestive issues. I eat wrong thing and my stomach swells up to the size of a basketball. I can for from flat tummy to six months pregnant in a heartbeat. Bloating really is my greatest enemy which is one of the reasons I so was excited to try this tea, their slogan literally is “bloats a bitch”. They also came up with a fun little word which describes most of my life “bluggish” which according to them is fugly for bloated + sluggish.I also seem to have a lot of trouble being regular which is why I usually am drinking a bunch of tea. I ordered a two week supply of Flat Tummy Tea since I was just doing a trial run. This tea is available to order in two or four week packs. Let’s start with the packaging. When my tummy tea arrived I was more than delighted when I opened up the box to sweet surprise. Not only did I get the tea I ordered, I also got a free make up tote! So I would say they get an A in that category for sure!  One thing that I did not enjoy with this tea over others is that it is a loose tea. I had to go to the store once I bought it and find a tea strainer. Fortunately tea strainers are fairly cheap. I believe I only paid four bucks for mine at my local Walmart. I do not enjoy using tea strainers for a few reasons. One because you have to measure the tea out, and two because you have to wash the strainer and the spoon you use to measure. One advantage that this tea has over others is that you only have to drink it one to two times a day. Other teas that I have tried before were 3x a day every day. It was a real pain to try to keep up with. With Flat tummy tea you drink a glass of activate every morning with your breakfast and have a glass of cleanse every other night. It makes is super convenient to keep up with. Possibly my favorite thing about this tea is it’s taste. I felt excited to have a glass with my breakfast every morning. It sort of tasted like it had some mint undertones which really helped my tummy out! I for one usually wake up feeling nauseous. I struggle tremendously with allergies and all of the drainage can be rough on my stomach. It also helps to start off your day with because you feel full for so long. I noticed that I didn’t have the need or the want to snack between breakfast and lunch! Last but definitely not least, the results. Unfortunately I was not smart enough to think to take before and after shots for you all. I will say that I did feel more full and less bloated especially in the mornings. What it helped with the most was my digestion. Comparing this tea to other teas I have used in the past such as Tiny Teatox the results were far less noticeable. Tiny Teatox completely eliminated my bloating issues but you did have the inconvenience of drinking it 3x a day. Flat tummy tea helped most with digestion, less with bloating but was an easy once a day tea. I would say if you are determined to get rid of your bloating go with Tiny Teatox or any teatox. If you are looking for something a bit more laid back that you can do daily to keep your digestive system on track definitely get Flat Tummy Tea, especially after a binge this tea will come in handy!

If you have a Teatox you love and want to share please let me know! Either in the comments or by using the #slothhappens to share your love!

Or if there is anything you have been interested in trying and would like me to try it for you shoot me an email! 🙂



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