Meal Prep Mondaze

Hello Loves! Ok so in my last post “Food Journal” I let you all in on one of my favorite ways to stay healthy! If you didn’t get a chance to read I wrote about my favorite app to use to log my meals! I have found that the only way to hold myself accountable for what I eat is to have to log each meal that I eat. The app I use is called MyFitnessPal. I thought it would be fun to give you a look into my daily log. I usually stick to two different meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I rarely switch from those meal except for on cheat days which I take a break from logging all together. It may seem boring to eat the same thing all of the time but it is honestly the easiest. You can call it lazy because it is but it is also smart. Keeping less variety means all of my meals will already be logged and if I do the meal prep once a week then I only have to do a lot of work one day a week, no to bad right? My meals change depending on if I am at home or at work. I work at a pediatric urgent care so on days I work if I don’t pack for all three meals and snack I will eat whatever I see in the break room. I am very blessed to have the job that I do. I work with incredible and kind people who love to bring treats, oh so many treats. My bosses mom seriously stocks the back with all kinds of goodies from Sam’s so if I do not come prepared, it is game over. I also have a very low calorie intake since I spend most of my time watching netflix or napping. You might wonder how I possibly stay under 1,300 calories a day, well this is how. Here is a look inside my daily work log and daily food log 🙂

Work Day Food Log

  • Breakfast burrito with an orange and iced coffee: 202 calories


On meal prep day I make up a batch of breakfast burritos and freeze them (117c), then on work day all I have to do is pop them into the microwave 🙂 I pair that with an iced coffee(45 c) and a cutie(40) for a yummy quick on the go breakfast!

  • Asian Sesame Salad with spring rolls and mango peach iced tea: 340 calories


I like to keep my salads pretty simple. I but those “salad pizazz” salad toppers a low cal dressing and some kale. Salads are only a good choice if you can refrain from loading them with high fat and calorie dressings. I prefer using the Asian Sesame dressing that is only 40 calorie per serving! (94 c). I pair my salad with lean cuisine spring rolls, they are so tasty and fill me up! Everyone at work always drool at the smell of them coming out of the microwave(210 c). Plus in order to keep me sane I have to drink something other than water, so I will usually drink a crystal light with lunch (my favorite it the peach mango green tea.)

  • Italian chicken with sweet potatoes and green beans: 260 calories


This is seriously so easy to make! On meal prep day I pop that bad boy in the oven and I have three yum dinners for work! It comes out to only 260 calories! I can post the recipe next post for you all! 🙂

And last but not least, snacky snacks!!! I usually throw in about three 100 calories snacks:

-Garlic hummus and veggies! (I could seriously eat hummus out of the bowl by itself) 95c

-Annie’s White Cheddar Popcorn! (I always need some salty) 110c

-Chobani Lemon meringue Crisp flip yogurt. 100c

And to finish up I usually have a peanut butter oatmeal bar and a glass of dark chocolate almond milk rounding up the whole day to 1,380 calories!

Home Day Food Log

  • English muffin with fried egg and turkey bacon! Mmm bacon 255 calories


This yumminess is just half of an english muffin topped with half of a garlic and herb cheese wedge a fried egg and sriracha! Plus a cutie(seems to be my favorite fruit)

  • Tuna sandwich and veggie chips with a pickle (or 2 or 3) 295 calories


I make my tuna sandwich with low fat miracle whip and mustard (I know it sounds gross but it keeps it low cal) and I pair it with zesty ranch veggie straws (again with the salty) and pickles because pickles are delicious and have no calories!!

  • Teriyaki Salmon with parmesan asparagus and garden vegetable quinoa 551 calories


Yeah I can actually cook again I am just lazy AF and even this meal take minimal effort. The salmon come prepackaged with sauce and all you just throw them in the oven and bake from 30mins. The Quinoa is just added to boil water. This meal is my favorite! A little high in calories but it is totes worth it!

I usually stick to the same snacks but I honestly do not snack much at home, I usually replace all snacks with coffee. Because coffee.

Without snacks this daily meal log comes to a total of 1,101 calories!!

So there you have it! (I also try to walk daily if the weather is nice)

I will even post some of the recipes I use so that you can use them too! 🙂

Hope you all enjoyed a view into my lazy daily food logs.

Follow me on Instagram and tag #slothhappens, I would love to see how you all stay in shape (or don’t) no judgement here! 🙂

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